Table of Contents
The final word of your business success is made out of several factors, therefore we can’t say that there is only one measure that can define your Webflow agency as successful.
In this business game, everything will matter at the end of the day, and your client base and click rates will be equally important just as how you manage to retain your clients.
In this business vortex, the best you can do to stay ahead of the curve is to work on your quality.
Quality of your services, and constantly improving your work, as well as the quality of your mindset and how you will operate in business circles.
In the Vezafy Growth Library series, we are exploring popular self-development books oriented to personal and business success.
Today, on our shelf is 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, a popular and spicy book with a thought-provoking intent that can help you understand better how to use the laws of power in your business game.
48 Laws of Power - A Brief Book Overview
48 Laws of Power was written in 1999 by Robert Greene, and it’s one of the most popular books about self-development and success, in both business and personal life.
The book’s structure and its primary intent are built out of powerful strategies and historical anecdotes with 48 rules of power.
As we said, the provoking content of this book interprets how 48 laws can be applied to success, overall influence, and survival in business and personal life.
The book revolves around the fact that power is the game, and based on how well you know how to play it, you will win or lose.
How To Apply Rules From 48 Laws of Power To Your Webflow Agency
Out of 48 laws of power described in the book, we've selected 9 that can be applied to Webflow agency's success. Let’s get straight to them!
Law 1: Never Outshine the Master
The first out of 48 laws tells us that when we work with clients we shouldn’t make them feel overshadowed. Even if we provide excellent results with our services.
Law 1 teaches us to stay humble and make the client feel like they are in control while our work is guided by their vision and ideas. Your role should be supportive in this collaboration making your client feel like a star of the project.
Quote: “Always make those above you feel comfortably superior.”
Law 4: Always Say Less Than Necessary
Words are powerful, but if you want to take full advantage of them, make sure you always speak concisely and precisely. In client meetings when you present solutions, for example, you should avoid over-explaining your processes of work.
What this law shows us is to not overwhelm and confuse our clients with unnecessary information, and to always stay professional and confident. This approach will build a sense of curiosity and trust, letting the final results speak for themselves.
Quote: “The more you say, the more common you appear.”
Law 5: So Much Depends on Reputation—Guard It with Your Life
You can provide the best services in the world, but if your reputation isn’t strong clients will avoid your Webflow agency. Law 5 is telling us to guard our reputation “with our life”, ensuring to always provide the highest quality work while meeting deadlines.
The more positive experience your Webflow agency gets from clients, the more your reputation will grow. With this high credibility, rich portfolio, and positive testimonials you will be able to attract more clients and stay on the top.
Quote: “Reputation is the cornerstone of power.”
Law 6: Court Attention at All Costs
We all know that the Webflow market is crowded, and more and more agencies want to try their luck in this digital space. With this in mind, standing out from the crowd is the key if you want to survive in this market.
You can achieve this by constantly improving your Webflow agency, introducing innovation, finding your path through different marketing channels, and writing case studies to showcase your work.
When you position yourself as a Webflow agency that “thinks outside the box”, you will attract clients driven by change.
Quote: “What is not seen counts for nothing.”
Law 7: Get Others to Do the Work for You, But Always Take the Credit
Your ambition shouldn’t suffer if you don’t have a full-house team. Law 7 shows us that project collaborations with freelancers, designers, or marketers can be beneficial for your success. Find talented people who can assist in your client’s projects while your agency takes credit for the final result.
Quote: “Never do yourself what others can do for you.”
Don’t miss our article on 12 Principles from Think and Grow Rich You Can Apply Today, and discover more hidden gems from top success-oriented books!
Law 9: Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Argument
If you don’t have proof of the quality of your work no one will trust you.
In this case, convincing clients through words alone won’t get you anywhere, unless you can demonstrate your possibilities with concrete examples.
Law 9 teaches us to play with our best cards and showcase successful past clients’ projects. Let your portfolio speak for you.
Quote: “Demonstrate, do not explicate.”
Law 10: Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky
You should carefully select your clients and collaborators if you want to achieve long-term success. The thing is, negative, disorganized, or financially unstable clients can drain your agency’s resources and energy.
At the end of the process, this can be very harmful. Instead, focus on building relationships with positive, well-aligned clients who contribute to your agency’s growth and reputation.
Quote: “Avoid the unhappy and unlucky; they drag you down.”
Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness
One of the main things your Webflow agency should focus on is making bold decisions. This can set you apart from other agencies, whether you’re moving creative boundaries, taking on challenging projects, or offering unique and innovative services.
Bold decisions signal confidence and innovation, attracting premium clients.
Quote: “Boldness gives you presence and instant authority.”
Law 30: Make Your Accomplishments Seem Effortless
The art of ease is at the core of Law 30, and it refers to making our actions appear seamless and efficient. Even if the project requires significant effort, what you will show should seem easy and smooth.
When you position your Webflow agency like this you will increase clients confidence in your ability to handle future work with great professionalism.
Quote: “Your actions must seem natural and executed with ease.”
Knowledge Is Power
If you think that some of the most successful people in the world were born with a lucky start, think again.
Even though some of the world’s leaders had ideal conditions for their success, it was their knowledge, mastery of their mindset, and positive attitude that truly made them successful and wealthy, positioning them as leaders in their field.
In the Vezafy Growth Library Series, we introduce you to success-oriented books that can help your Webflow agency achieve its goals.
Investing in knowledge and learning from people who have succeeded is the sure way to live your dreams.
Until the next book!